Monday, June 3, 2013

Alicia Keys – If I Ain’t Got You

Close is a good word to describe my family; well me, my mom and my brother. We talk a lot, more than other families do I think. When my friends come over they are shocked to hear some of the conversations that me and my brother have with our mom. I think it’s super important to be open with your parents. It makes things a lot easier when you can talk and act freely around them. Since me and Larry are so close to our mom it makes it a lot easier to go to her when we are upset or when we have made a mistake. On the other hand, my dad is a little bit harder to talk to and share things with. Me and Larry are really close, it’s probably because we are so close in age. Since we are close in age we are interested in some of the same things and we have a lot of friends in common. Some siblings can’t stand each other but me and Larry aren’t like that at all. He is my best friend and I could never imagine not having him around. Sometimes he seems more like a son to me than a brother. My mom said that when he came home from the hospital we had a whole bunch of company over and at first I thought he was leaving with the rest of the company but once I realized he was staying he became my baby. Mom always tells us story about us when we were younger, how he would call me Ah-dee and how whenever someone came to visit and said hello to me I would shoot back “well aren’t you gonna say hello to my brother?” I hope my kids love each other just as much and me and Larry do and  I hope to be a mother to my children just how my mom is a mother to me.



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