Thursday, January 10, 2013

best paragraph from "Complete Again"

I could barely lift my head, let alone even think about getting dressed and heading off to
work. My eyes were heavy. It was May 3rd, the day I was schedule to be back into work.
Looking outside I could see the sun sitting high in the sky and could hear all of the life
joyfully enjoying this day, but not even such a beautiful sight could seem to make me want to
leave that bed.

1 comment:

  1. i actually enjoyed writing this short story. It wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. I posted my favortite paragraph above, i think this is my favorite paragraph because i spent the most time revising it. And i like how descriptive it is. This story isnt based off of a true story but it is non-fiction. When writing this story i was thinking of the tv series House. In the show there is a character that cant move on with her life her husband died, but i wanted my story to have a happy ending so in my story i made the main character able to fall in love gain and move on. The lesson that i tried to convey through this story is that life goes on.
