Thursday, January 3, 2013

Florida Forecast (Arranged Poem)

then came crashing the unearthly thunder                                       

as we squeeze in under

the shelter

we watch  the racing rain poor down

listen to the terrible thunder pound

louder and louder each time

and wait to know our fate

all running

to the buses

through the draining rain I wasn’t relieved at that lame time

We weren’t very happy

Waiting for the bus soaking wet

That is when I was relieved

relieved that I didn’t have to run a 5k in the hot Florida forecast

1 comment:

  1. This poem was arranged from a stream of conscience task. In my first writing i talked about xcountry and how i didnt like it. I always included my Disney try with the xcountry team in the writing task too. So i pulled my favorite lines from my writing task and formed them into a poem. My main topic in this poem is florida and our adventure on race day. In this arranged poem i used alliteration and assonance, mostly alitteration because it's easy. I decided to write about this because it was right after we had got back from Disney and the xcountry season was almost over, so i had xcountry on the brain.
