Friday, January 4, 2013

Larry (Sonnet)

Brother my best friend and I am his too
When I am sad he is there to fix it
Even when I came down with a bad flu
Always close and having fun never split

Loved him since the first day he was brought home
April is the special month that we share
Knew that I would call him my very own
Me and my bro make the best sibling pair

All of my greatest times are shared with him
With all of the many laughs I cherish
When we do part it is always so grim
Without him I would surely perish

What would I do without my dear brother
He cant be replaced with any other

1 comment:

  1. This sonnet reflects me and my brothers relationship. From the time he was born until now. When i was writing this poem i was thinking of things i love and how greaful i am to have such a wonderful relationship with my brother. Im hapyy we arent like other siblings that fight all the time or hate each other. this poem is a sonnet to there is a lot of rhyming. I rather that write a poem that does have a rhyme scheme like this one than one with no rhyme scheme. This poem is probably one of my favorites that i have written all year probably because it's about something i know so much about.
