Thursday, January 10, 2013

Honors Algebra 2 (Rhyme)

The one thing that can ruin my day
The one subject I just hate to do

If I could get someone to do all of the algebra work I would be willing to pay

Willing to pay you a lot too

I dread the thought I having a test

I know it will result in a low grade

Why can’t I just use that period to catch up on some rest?

Maybe a can find someone who will trade

I rather sit in history and English all day long

Reading & writing until I can’t anymore

Usually in my classes I can manage to be strong

But in Honors Algebra 2 I just can’t wait to hit the door!

1 comment:

  1. honors alg. 2. i hate it and this poem expresses that completely! this poems talks about all of the other things i rather be doing and places i'd rather be than sitting in alg. 2. Throughout this poem i have many words that rhyme (every other line.)
