Friday, January 11, 2013

Rachel's Sonnet

I have found out through all the times I've dreamed,
To never get all my hopes up too high;
For though I wished, things weren't as they seemed,
And then I saw that the end wasn't nigh.

Ev'ry one of my fights was fought in vain,
Sometimes ending in ways I couldn't mend.
I never saw the sun only the rain.
I just wanted those dreary times to end.

But I had hope when it should have been gone,
And I will not give up on this last fight.
Divine faith gave me strength to journey on,
And I will not stop until all is right.

I have tried and tried a million ways.
I'll perservere to the end of my days.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE THIS! I think Rachel is such a great writer. This sonnet is so realistic, it expresses how sometimes in life things may get hard but with hope and faith you can achieve your goals. This sonnet is very positive! My favorite piece of this sonnet are the last two lines. It sums up the meaning perfectly!
