Monday, June 3, 2013

Alicia Keys – If I Ain’t Got You

Close is a good word to describe my family; well me, my mom and my brother. We talk a lot, more than other families do I think. When my friends come over they are shocked to hear some of the conversations that me and my brother have with our mom. I think it’s super important to be open with your parents. It makes things a lot easier when you can talk and act freely around them. Since me and Larry are so close to our mom it makes it a lot easier to go to her when we are upset or when we have made a mistake. On the other hand, my dad is a little bit harder to talk to and share things with. Me and Larry are really close, it’s probably because we are so close in age. Since we are close in age we are interested in some of the same things and we have a lot of friends in common. Some siblings can’t stand each other but me and Larry aren’t like that at all. He is my best friend and I could never imagine not having him around. Sometimes he seems more like a son to me than a brother. My mom said that when he came home from the hospital we had a whole bunch of company over and at first I thought he was leaving with the rest of the company but once I realized he was staying he became my baby. Mom always tells us story about us when we were younger, how he would call me Ah-dee and how whenever someone came to visit and said hello to me I would shoot back “well aren’t you gonna say hello to my brother?” I hope my kids love each other just as much and me and Larry do and  I hope to be a mother to my children just how my mom is a mother to me.




 Education is a beautiful gift that every single person in America is given, when I graduate college I want to be able to give that gift to hundreds of young children. I admire all of my current and past teachers for all that they have taught me, and I can’t help but think how amazing it will feel to give back to my future student what my teachers have given me. I cannot think of a more important of powerful gift that I could give to the world than education. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” – Nelson Mandela. After reading this quote from activist Nelson Mandela I am reassured that when I become a teacher I will be giving children that powerful weapon for them to change the world. Changing the world one lesson at a time, one classroom at a time, one student at a time.

Unforgettable Stranger

Dr. Randall Pinkett impacted my life when he spoke at a leadership I attended earlier this school year. Dr. Pinkett spoke about being a leader and how it’s important to make your own trails in life rather than following trails that others have made. He encouraged us to be trailblazers. How was he able to keep a whole room of teens attentive? He only spoke for an hour and I think that’s why we all were so interested and focused on what he was saying. After his speech it made me want to apply all that he was saying to my own life. How can I become a trailblazer? He reminded me of my track coach, Coach Melton. Whenever Coach Melton speaks to us he motivates me and makes me want to go great things for myself and for my school, I felt the same way after listening to Dr. Pinkett’s speech. I believe that some people just have like this power to encourage people and instill hope in other and both Dr. Pinkett and Coach Melton do that for me. When Randall Pinkett spoke at the conference he was the first guest speaker on the first night and I believe that he was the perfect person to start off the conference on the right foot. I always believe that a good speaker makes you really think. Think about what you are doing. Think about what you aren’t doing. Think about what you should be doing. Dr. Pinkett pushed our minds and made us think outside of the box. Dr. Pinkett made me think about what has been written in my notebook and what I want to be written in the future. My life is a notebook, some space already taken up, but so much left to be written.       

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Boon Paragraph

As the year went on I found myself spending more and more time at Rider Elementary and as I fell more in love with my students it seemed that me & Jeff fell more out of love. There were many nights were I would come home to a not so happy Jeff. There was only one time that Jeff actually expressed how he felt about my job, it was the night I missed his birthday dinner. That day Tyler asked if he could stay after and do his homework with me so without any hesitation I told him I would stay. Tyler was finally interested in school so how could I have possibly said no to him. Tyler needed my help and this time I would be there. By the time we finished it was 5:30. Looking down at my phone I had twelve missed calls from Jeff and one text that read “I guess you forgot about our dinner reservations for my bday, I won’t be home tonight.” I completely forgot. I was so interested in helping Tyler that I had forgot my own husbands birthday dinner.  

Call Paragraph

It was definitely the worst day of my life. As the rain came down it fell on a crowd of people dressed in all black. Women stood still with their black hats and faces smeared with makeup. Men stood with no expression with their hands tucked away in their black suit pants. Looking up into the sky I could see no sign of sun. It was a dark day. The day we buried my brother was a very dark day.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Jenna's Poem (Mid Term)

They are as strong as a muscular ox that can pull a big brick building for miles.

Carlos' Poem (Mid Term)

Being with you is a lustful dream

Carter's Poem (Mid Term)

It will join the other lonely, lost dreamers

Katie's Poem (Mid Term)

It is like a bitter sweet symphony,
To take your life and live on blissfully

t is like a bitter sweet symphony,
To take your life and live on blissfullyI
t is like a bitter sweet symphony,
To take your life and live on blissfully.

t is like a bitter sweet symphony,

To t
It is like a bitter sweet symphony,
To take your life and live on blissfully.

Shane Moore's Poem (Mid Term)

A big flower

Has the power to grow

A bear hibernates

As a whale swims

Thunder storm rubbles

As the mountain crumbles

Friday, January 11, 2013

Georgia's Poem

Today’s a day off
Time to sleep until dinner
My phone is ringing
Guess who is calling again?
It is freaking McDonald’s

Lazette's Poem

The Double Rainbow
Filtered the sky
From one end to the other
Racing each other to the end
So large everyone could see it

Everyone wanted to chase it

Rachel's Sonnet

I have found out through all the times I've dreamed,
To never get all my hopes up too high;
For though I wished, things weren't as they seemed,
And then I saw that the end wasn't nigh.

Ev'ry one of my fights was fought in vain,
Sometimes ending in ways I couldn't mend.
I never saw the sun only the rain.
I just wanted those dreary times to end.

But I had hope when it should have been gone,
And I will not give up on this last fight.
Divine faith gave me strength to journey on,
And I will not stop until all is right.

I have tried and tried a million ways.
I'll perservere to the end of my days.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

best paragraph from "Complete Again"

I could barely lift my head, let alone even think about getting dressed and heading off to
work. My eyes were heavy. It was May 3rd, the day I was schedule to be back into work.
Looking outside I could see the sun sitting high in the sky and could hear all of the life
joyfully enjoying this day, but not even such a beautiful sight could seem to make me want to
leave that bed.

Honors Algebra 2 (Rhyme)

The one thing that can ruin my day
The one subject I just hate to do

If I could get someone to do all of the algebra work I would be willing to pay

Willing to pay you a lot too

I dread the thought I having a test

I know it will result in a low grade

Why can’t I just use that period to catch up on some rest?

Maybe a can find someone who will trade

I rather sit in history and English all day long

Reading & writing until I can’t anymore

Usually in my classes I can manage to be strong

But in Honors Algebra 2 I just can’t wait to hit the door!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Summer Time (Triolet)

Summer time is the best time
We wait all year
For the warm and sunny weather
Summer time is the best time
We wait all year
A reason for all of us to cheer
Summer time is the best time

Monday, January 7, 2013

Bitter Winter (Tanka)

Cold weather drains me

Can I just stay in the house?

Today and the next

Hide from the bitter winter

Hide until the flowers bloom

Friday, January 4, 2013

Larry (Sonnet)

Brother my best friend and I am his too
When I am sad he is there to fix it
Even when I came down with a bad flu
Always close and having fun never split

Loved him since the first day he was brought home
April is the special month that we share
Knew that I would call him my very own
Me and my bro make the best sibling pair

All of my greatest times are shared with him
With all of the many laughs I cherish
When we do part it is always so grim
Without him I would surely perish

What would I do without my dear brother
He cant be replaced with any other

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Florida Forecast (Arranged Poem)

then came crashing the unearthly thunder                                       

as we squeeze in under

the shelter

we watch  the racing rain poor down

listen to the terrible thunder pound

louder and louder each time

and wait to know our fate

all running

to the buses

through the draining rain I wasn’t relieved at that lame time

We weren’t very happy

Waiting for the bus soaking wet

That is when I was relieved

relieved that I didn’t have to run a 5k in the hot Florida forecast

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I like my background. I like the color.

Journal, January 2nd (High Jump)

I have my first meet of the season tomorrow! Even thinking about it i'm getting nervous. My goal for tomorrow is to win a medal. If I could start the season off with a medal I would be happy! I'm looking to clear 4'10 for sure & HOPEFULLY 5'0! Tomorrow is the begining of my competitive season. Tomorrow is when I begin my journey to 5'2 and the Meet of Champions.